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公告類別 選擇性招標(建立合格廠商名單)公告
標案編號 (加值會員專用)
標案名稱 駐洛杉磯辦事處新購館舍內外裝修及地震結構補強工程
標的分類 工程類 5129 - 其他用途建築工程
機關代碼 A.3.3
機關名稱 駐外機構
單位名稱 駐洛杉磯辦事處
機關地址 (加值會員專用)
聯絡人 (加值會員專用)
聯絡電話 (加值會員專用)
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電子郵件信箱 (加值會員專用)
本網站公告日期 109/04/27
截止收件日期 109/05/18 17:00
新增公告傳輸次數 01

原因	無相關設備
招標文件領取地點	3731 Wilshire Blvd. , Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA 90010 U.S.A.
招標文件售價及付款方式	網上免費資料
履約地點 (加值會員專用)
1-Holder of California General Contractor B License or above.

2-Provide Performance bond for at least 7 million USD.

3-Provide at least 5 references of similar size, scope and complexity for office building TI and seismic retrofit construction work during the past 10 years, experiences with government job preferred. This list shall include the name, contact person, address, and phone number of each party for whom the service was provided, as well as a description of the services performed, the dollar amount of the contract, and the date of performance.

4-Provide resumes of key crew members, esp. for Project Manager and On-site Superintendent, etc.

5-TECOLA will not accept any proposal from any firm and his sub-contractor that is controlled by citizen(s) or government of the People’s Republic of China or from any firm which has received capital or investment from citizens or government of the People's Republic of China. A company is "controlled" by a PRC government or citizen(s) where the such PRC government instrumentality or citizen(s) has the power, either directly or indirectly, and whether exercised or exercisable to influence election of the board of directors, management or other controlling body, whether such power is obtained by contract or by operation of law.
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